
rainy season



rainy season为短语/超纲词汇
1. Eleven cold, rainy days passed. Once he found some animal bones with no meat on them.

2. There is no lettuce in the market in this season.

3. The weatherman says it´ll be rainy.

4. The weatherman says it´ll be rainy.

5. Then came the season of harvest.

6. He made some routine observations upon the unhealthy effect of the night breeze at that season.

7. He also acknowledged that the lowest-priced rooms at the resort had been cut to 550 francs ($110) from 750 francs at the time of the opening, and that some rooms were being offered at 400 francs for the winter season.

8. December, January and February make the winter season.

9. At the Christmas season , ladies often adorn their coats with a holly corsage.

10. Autumn is the best season in Beijing.
